Bowel Perforation

Your colon is composed of layers of soft muscle and mucous membranes. The innermost layer, referred to as the mucosa, is smooth and pliant—much like the tissues to your mouth. Bowel perforations occur when a hole is made in this lining, regularly as a result of colon surgical operation or serious bowel disease. A hollow within the colon then permits the contents of the colon to leak into the generally sterile contents of your belly cavity.

Symptoms :

The signs of a bowel perforation can range and can come on slowly or swiftly depending at the underlying reason. Symptoms may also include:

  Abdominal pain (frequently severe and diffuse)

  Severe stomach cramping


  Nausea and vomiting

  A change to your bowel actions or conduct

  Rectal bleeding

  Fever (normally now not at once)



Causes of spontaneous bowel perforation (the ones unrelated to surgical operation or procedures) include:

  Inflammatory bowel disorder/colitis inclusive of Crohn's ailment and ulcerative colitis. The lifetime chance of a bowel perforation with Crohn's sickness is between one and 3 percentage, eightmaking this a very not unusual reason.

  Severe bowel obstruction, in particular when the colon is "weakened" with the aid of diverticular sickness, another procedure, or most cancers


  Ischemic bowel disorder (while the blood deliver to the colon is compromised)

  Colon most cancers

  Foreign body ingestion - Most generally because of the ingestion of fish bones, and bone fragments, as well as non-meals items

  Severe bowel impaction