Obstetrics & Gynecology

Gynecology and obstetrics are two subjects that address the woman reproductive systems. While obstetrics offers with being pregnant and its associated processes and complications, gynecology involves treating ladies who are not pregnant. Gynecology comprises of each medicine as well as surgical fields. While most of the gynecological illnesses want hormonal and other pharmacological control, cancers, fibroids and so on. Require surgical elimination. Best obstetrics and gynecology specialists in Kadapa provide advanced care for mothers and children and also women of all ages. Are you also looking for the best doctor for gynecological Problems in Kadapa? komma super specialty hospital provides the treatment for obstetrics and gynecological Problems in Kadapa under one roof.

Best treatment for gynaecological Problems in Kadapa are offered for the age institution underneath 18 years. Young woman reaching the age of puberty may also undergo various issues than adults.

Reaching puberty :

At the age of puberty (13-15 years), young girls may experience many changes in their body like breast size, body hair growth and first menstrual cycles. They need to be counseled by their parents or by experienced adolescent best gynecology doctors in Kadapa at best gynaecology hospitals in Kadapa.

About Menstrual Cycles :

The flow of blood which you experience during menstrual cycles may be light, heavy or in between. It may last for 3 to 5 days and again it will return after 24 to 35 days. If it doesn’t happen in these days, you need to consult gynecology doctor.

Cancer screening :

Early screening and detection of all gynecologic cancer increases the chances of successful treatment. Screening tests are helpful and effective to look for disease before a person manifests the symptoms when a disease is detected early. It leads in more positive outcomes.

Women Wellness Check Ups :

Every woman has to think about her wellness and yearly check up to take care of her health. Regular health care visits may also be helpful to detect the problems at the earliest for treatment.

  Discuss with your doctor in relevance to your age and risk factors.

  Discuss with your doctor about the screening tests & immunization.

Pregnancy and Delivery :

To have a baby brings joy to the entire family. During pregnancy and delivery, the whole family should take care of the mother and baby. Pregnant woman has to be taken care of many important things. Healthy delivery and healthy baby requires healthy mother. It’s important for a mother to get nutritional foods. For a Hygienic growth and child’s development, there must be a hygienic environment. To consult a gynecology doctor periodically is essential to ensure the health of a mother and child. As delivery is the most delicate phase, the aid of an expert gynecology specialist could help a woman to have a safe delivery.

To help a woman in pregnancy and delivery, we have expert gynecologist & obstetric doctors with well equipped gynecological department.