
Inflammation of the appendix is known as Appendicitis. It's a clinical emergency that almost constantly requires surgical treatment as quickly as possible to take away the appendix.

What Are the Symptoms of Appendicitis?

The conventional symptoms of appendicitis encompass:

  The normally first signal is that Pain in your lower right belly or pain near your navel that moves lower.

  Loss of appetite

  Nausea and vomiting quickly after stomach ache starts

  Swollen belly

  Fever of 99-102 degrees

  Can’t pass gas

Appendicitis happens while the appendix gets blocked, regularly by poop, a foreign body (some thing inner you that isn’t purported to be there), or cancer. Blockage may end result from contamination, because the appendix can swell in response to any contamination within the body.

In the case of keyhole surgery, the patient can usually go home after 24 hours. For the first few days, there may be some constipation and some pain and bruising. There may also be pain at the tip of the shoulder, because of gas that is pumped into the abdomen during the procedure. If you find there any signs of infection, it is majorly important to contact the doctor. These include:

  worsening pain and swelling

  repeated vomiting

  high temperature

  the site of the operation is hot to touch, or there is pus or other discharge